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HomeAccept that there will be days when you feel miserableNewsAccept that there will be days when you feel miserable

Accept that there will be days when you feel miserable

Most of us will have days like this at some point

Where everything gets a bit much, you feel miserable, deflated or just can’t see much point.

It’s totally normal for mood to go up and down, but there are things you can do to help:

Accept that the mood will pass (if it doesn’t, and the bad days outweigh the good – it’s a different issue, and you need to have a chat with your GP)

Take ashgawanda as a supplement to reduce stress and anxiety – it’s a herbal treatment readily available in health food shops, or even Amazon. Lots of my patients have had real benefits in using it. It costs under a tenner.

The NHS recommends a daily dose of vitamin D which helps mood – we don’t get enough of it through sunshine.

It’s not rocket science but getting decent sleep, eating healthily and exercising are all mood boosters

Take your holidays. I see so many people who work until they burn out – it’s just not worth it. Every body (literally) needs space to relax and refresh.

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