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HomeChristmas can be exhausting…NewsChristmas can be exhausting…

Christmas can be exhausting…

To coin a famous song, “Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year”; but also (and this doesn’t really fit with the lyrics) weighted with heavy expectations… Here’s a few tips to cope physically and mentally:

Readjust your views on what a Happy Christmas actually means. So don’t focus all your energy on planning the “perfect Christmas”. It probably won’t snow, maybe you’ll be with family, maybe you won’t, (or would prefer not to!) but look for the joy in what you have and who you’re with.

Remember it’s a dark month, so your vitamin D levels will be low. It’s easy to buy supplements over the counter, and I ramp up my own dose in winter. I also take Milk Thistle (liver!) and a B-vitamin combination for fatigue. 

Start your “new” exercise regime in December; maybe a few long walks to ease you in, rather than full on bodily assault in January. 

Rest! Often Christmas can be exhausting but take the time to cozy up on the sofa with a film, and box of Quality Street.  My beagle knows when to relax (when it all gets a bit much) so I’d encourage you to find your happy space, and what you enjoy; whether it’s a person, party, prawns, port or Prosecco. 

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