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HomePrivate Covid19 Testing. Available immediately.Coronovirus - Private Covid19 testsPrivate Covid19 Testing. Available immediately.

Private Covid19 Testing. Available immediately.

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TEST! TEST! TEST! We\’ll all have seen the Government announcements that testing is going to increase, and we now need to minimise social contact again. I offer private Covid19 testing to current, and new, patients.

As a Consultant in A&E at University College Hospital, as well as a private GP,  my worry is that the NHS testing cannot keep up with demand, and the accuracy doesn\’t seem great. The government and health professionals all agree that testing is key. However, if you don\’t have symptoms (and 60% of people with Coronavirus might be asymptomatic), or if you just want to fly, you won\’t qualify for an NHS test. 

Private covid19 testing can take the pressure off the NHS, and also provide confidence and reassurance if you have symptoms but are struggling to get an NHS test.

 Feel free to contact us on if you\’d like to find out about our tests. We offer PCR swabs (if you have symptoms) and antibody testing (which shows if you have had it in the past, and may confirm an element of immunity). The PCR swab is turned around in 48 hours.

 If you need a certificate for flights, we can support with our private testing. It comes with a \’fit to fly\’ note if appropriate. If your children have a sniffle, and have been sent home until they can show a negative result, we can also help with this.


Stay well

Dr Ravi Dasan – the Harley Street GP


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