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Covid19 stress and anxiety

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“This too shall pass” is an ancient adage from Persia.

 It serves to remind us that life is a journey, and that there is no constant – we are always moving forward. 

At the moment, I think a lot of people are waiting for the next phase of life…. most people have experienced huge changes to work, to family life, to finances, to social circles…. life is just different. 

 I’ve been one of those people desperately trying to find somewhere “safe” to go on holiday…. what’s on the list, where are the flights, how are the stats there? It’s been the most stressful holiday booking in the world. I’ve been trying to replicate last year’s normality. More fool me.

Life is not normal. Our holiday would not have been normal…. we cannot step back in time or out of this situation.

So it’s time to focus on the Persian saying “this too will pass”. Of course it will.

 But in the meantime, let’s try and enjoy what we have. Time does pass but we’ll never get it back. Life can be incredibly difficult at the moment but look for the small joys (or big ones). If life is feeling too dark, book an appointment to talk to me :

Stay safe, and enjoy this strange summer as much as you can. Dylan Thomas wrote \”Time passes. Quickly. Time passes.” And it does















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