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Teenage health and wellbeing

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As a father of a teenager, I know how complicated they can be! Sometimes they are childlike, and other times, testing all the boundaries and trying to act like adults.

The medical issues affecting adolescents can be wide-ranging and significant; from hormonal changes whether it is menstrual issues or acne, to experimenting with drink or drugs, or simply the challenges of ‘growing up’. I can help your teenager with whatever problem they are facing.

I am committed to ensuring the physical and mental wellbeing of your child; it is hard growing up in this world of social media and expectation. I will work with you, and your child, to ensure you have the best care to set your family up for the most positive future.

I am uniquely positioned as an A&E Consultant in London’s leading Teaching Hospital, meaning that I combine the skills of a family doctor with those of an experienced Consultant in Emergency Medicine. I have access to the best Professors and Clinical Expertise in the country, and I will use my expertise to ensure that your child has the best diagnosis, and the best possible care as well as onward referrals to the best specialists in London for any given disorder.

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